is a human flourishing site that connects AI and real human wisdom to help people reach goals, personally develop, and make authentic connections. I was one of two UX/UI designer interns. The project in this case study is the design of the onboarding process. The timeline was approximately one week.

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Start from the beginning.

The team at realized fairly early on that the idea of was a new, original one, so much so that the user may feel a little out of place and unsure what to do initially. We knew we needed some sort of instructions. We wanted it to feel like a friend guiding them through the process. One of the founders wrote out some guidelines of what it would say, while another founder wanted it to seem like a map, with the user approaching the end with each slide. From there, I designed the onboarding process.

Then what?

I was inspired by an app called Noom, that, while it focuses on weight loss and not human flourishing, I knew transmitted tons of knowledge in an easy to navigate way. It broke information down into chunks on to slides that the user could swipe through.

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And then?

I wanted the onboarding to reach all of the users without being annoying, so the team decided that the onboarding would pop up automatically at the first sign in, but would be skippable for those that want to go rogue.

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What happened next?

I wanted to make the experience more interactive than merely just swiping, so throughout the onboarding process there are drop downs and expansions that allow the user to gather more information.

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And after that?

I also wanted to inject some fun into the process, so instead of the forward button always saying next, I made it say supportive, snarky, or encouraging phrases.

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How did it end?

I presented the onboarding slides to the team for feedback. Overall the feedback was positive, although we did come up with a few tweaks like adding Cymon, the robot more, and changing the background color.


Benten Technologies

